


    Officine D’INnOvazione

    550.000 Euros
    01/2020 – 09/2024

    “Officine D’InNOvazione – ODINO” aims to support young people (16-30 years old), located in the Veneto region, during their entrance in the job market through the organization of specific training activities – both practical and theoretical – in the robotics/industrial and wine-making sectors. The leitmotif of the activities is technological innovation.

    The project activities, which began in October 2020, are taking place in Verona (robotics/industrial sector) and Soave (wine-making sector) and involve more than 20 local companies, the organization of at least 30 events and the provision of more than 1,000 hours of specialized training aimed at about 800 young people in the area.

  • ICAR

    Support to Monitoring and Evaluation of ICAR Operational Strategy 2021-2024

    39.750 Euros
    07/2020 – 12/2024

    The Basel Institute of Governance has requested ad hoc support from SAFE in preparation of the possible implementation of a framework agreement for consulting on monitoring and evaluation of ICAR’s activities as part of its operational strategy for 2021-2024.

    The purpose of the service is to support ICAR in developing an effective Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, including an updated Logical Framework and Indicator Passport for internal monitoring of OS 2021-24.

  • CBRN Forensic Training for LAF

    Forensic principles for investigations

    22.500 Euro
    09/2023 – 11/2023

    Fondazione SAFE has been entrusted by URS Federal Services International with the organisation of a forensic course focusing on “Illegal CBRN and drugs Labs and forensics principles” targeting 19 representatives of the Engineering Regiment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).
    A two week training session took place in October 2023 at Kfarchima (Beirut), with the aim of providing trainees with a better understanding of CBRN Technical Intelligence/Crime Scene Investigation approaches in a contaminated environment and clandestine laboratories for CBRN agents and drugs production.
    The participants analysed the specific aspects related to crime scene investigation approaches, forensic procedures and use of specific equipment for CSI in contaminated environment.