SAFE – project coordinator and partner responsible for management and communication – and TRANSTUN partners are thrilled to share with you the launch of the new TRANSTUN website.
The 20-months lasting EU funded project for increased CBRN preparedness and response in TRANSnational TUNnels is now entering into its 4th month of life. Born from the need to mitigate the growing risks of chemical events in EU cross-border tunnels more effectively, TRANSTUN, engaging operators and end-users for across Europe, will not solely provide a platform to discuss and agree on minimum common standards for processes and equipment but will also provide a live testing opportunity involving hundreds of stakeholders Europe-wide.
In its attempt to improve the preparedness and response of operators, emergency responders, and Member States – and thus safeguard citizens, economic interests and freedom of movement – TRANSTUN will focus on achieving the following specific objectives:
- The creation of a network of operators and emergency responders for EU cross-border tunnels;
- The development of a standardized toolkit for enhanced cooperation and coordination amongst operators, law enforcement agents, first responders, and member states;
- The improvement of joint operational response of operators, emergency responders, and Law Enforcement Agencies.
In particular, if indeed French, Italian, Spanish and Belgian stakeholders will be directly involved in project activities, the setting up of an operational networking platform of tunnel operators will also benefit other EU countries including, among others, Greece, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, and Slovenia.
By engaging over twenty public and private sector actors (including operators of the pilot infrastructure), TRANSTUN will pave the way to a new coordinated modality of work for the security of tunnels in the EU.
Within this framework, SAFE is proud to have contributed to the achievement of another important step towards the realization of a more secure EU through increased operational CBRN preparedness and response in cross-border tunnels.
You can visit the website at: