Last June 2022 SAFE was appointed for the provision of courses during the “IISTAG – Inter-institutional Security Training and Awareness Group Train the Security Trainer Event 2022” at the Joint Research Center of the European Union in Ispra for EU Institutions and Agencies security personnel. The course’s objectives were to provide and enhance new necessary skills for trainers, including in operational contexts, and to set a platform for the sharing of security knowledge.
SAFE aimed at developing key concepts and structures that can be used as a basis for security trainers.

The course, held in September 2022, received an average grade from participants of 4.95 out of 5.

The excellent result was a great success for SAFE, which provided its own expertise and involved one internal trainer and two trainers from the Italian Ministry of Defence (SMD).

The course included the main topics related to HEAT courses, such as security awareness, first aid, negotiation, basic concepts on mines and IEDs, as well as vehicle and compound protection.
To conclude the training, a practical session was held.

Course participants particularly appreciated the expertise and comprehensiveness of the information provided and expressed a willingness to continue training with trainers provided by SAFE.

SAFE would like to thank the agencies EFSA, ACER and Frontex and in particular the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, as hosting party, for the organization of the event and their invaluable contribution.