SAFE and HESAR (Roma Tor Vergata University) published a strategic document called “Passport of Indicators to Measure CBRN Response Capacities in Lebanon”, as part of the “EU Technical Assistance on CBRN Risks Mitigation in Lebanon” in “EU TA on CBRN risks mitigation” project.

During the last years the Lebanese government has undertaken various actions to improve the response in case of a CBRN event, developing dedicated legislation on national and international Level, and specific trainings and a specialized response unit.

The Passport of Indicators is the result of more than ten-years cooperation with the European Union, the International Atomic Energy Agency and Interpol (amongst other actors). The Passport is intended as a monitoring tool to support the Lebanese National CBRN Commission, policymakers and practitioners to measure the implementation and effectiveness of the initiatives undertaken to foster CBRN preparedness in Lebanon and to calibrate the new ones.

The Passport includes a total of 35 detailed performance indicators, developed to measure the progresses and the achievements in Lebanon for 2 different sets of Objectives:  the first one related to the CBRN defence legislation, and the second one related to the CBRN stakeholders. The main topics analysed are CBRN planning, CBRN training and exercises, CBRN legislation, Standard Operating Procedures, Collaboration issues, CBRN equipment and CBRN storage facilities and procedures.

The Key Performace Indicators include, inter alia:
•    Legislative framework defining CBRN operations, the exact role and obligations of each stakeholder involved in national CBRN response;
•    Number of personnel that have undergone some form of CBRN training;
•    Number of Table Top Exercises (TTX) and field drills, conducted at national and international level, type of training given or provided to other involved stakeholders;
•    Numbers of standard operational procedures defining specific operational tasks;
•    Quantity of currently available specialized CBRN equipment;
•    Availability of storage facilities that will house the specialized equipment;
•    Etc, (…)

The Passport is one step towards the enhancement of Lebanese CBRN preparedness and response capability.  Further advancements will be made possble thanks to the training program and provision of specialized equipment offered by the “EU TA on CBRN risks mitigation” project (as well as other donor-funded projects).