We are excited to announce the publication of Italy’s 2021-2023 IRM Results Report, now available online!

The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is the accountability arm of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a unique international partnership which includes 76 countries, 106 local governments and thousands of civil society organizations. Within the framework of OGP, governments and jointly commit through bi-annual Action Plans to promoting transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance. Progress and impact of these Action Plans, which include commitments on crucial topics such as anti-corruption, open data, lobbying, and civic participation, is tracked and evaluated through the IRM.

Since April 2022, Fondazione SAFE has been working in partnership with the IRM, conducting evaluations of Italy and Norway’s OGP Action Plans.

The recently published Results Report for Italy (2021-2023) provides an in-depth evaluation of Italy’s commitments and achievements over the past two years, offering valuable insights into the country’s open government efforts and presenting targeted recommendations for the way forward.

At Fondazione SAFE , Monitoring & Evaluation is a cornerstone of our work. Effective M&E ensures that governance initiatives are not only implemented but are impactful and aligned with their goals. It provides critical feedback, promotes accountability, and guides future policy decisions to foster better governance. We are proud of our contribution to the significant work carried out by OGP and the IRM, and are looking forward to seeing Italy’s future progress in this domain!