On September 13th, Fondazione SAFE proudly marked the successful conclusion of the “Officine D’INnOvazione – ODINO” project. This initiative, dedicated to empowering young individuals from Verona aged 18 to 30, represents a significant step in their professional development journeys. The event, graced by the presence of local authorities, underscores the project’s commitment to providing practical and theoretical training opportunities in the viticulture and industrial robotics sectors.

The ODINO project stands out as a unique endeavor for Fondazione SAFE, diverging from our typical international focus to concentrate on local development. By equipping young people with concrete skills and fostering meaningful connections between youth and local businesses, ODINO aims to create tangible employment opportunities and drive regional growth.

Throughout the project’s duration, we engaged over 950 young participants, collaborating with more than 37 local companies. Together, we delivered up to 1,000 hours of specialized training through 33 impactful events. Our efforts were primarily centered at the “Officina di Innovazione” in Soave, where around 600 youths explored innovations in viticulture and enology. From hands-on pruning schools to courses on product communication, participants gained invaluable experience, industry insights, and networking opportunities.

We are immensely proud of the positive impact ODINO has made on our community. With a vision to establish this initiative as a permanent presence in the Veneto region and beyond, we extend our deepest gratitude to Fondazione Cariverona for their generous sponsorship, which has made this initiative possible.

Furthermore, we sincerely thank our esteemed partners—the Università degli Studi di Verona, the Municipality of Soave, Soave Consorzio Tutela, and Confindustria Verona—for their crucial support and collaboration in making ODINO a success.