In compliance with SAFE ambition to deliver innovative training and education, strengthening strategic capabilities of relevant stakeholders, we hosted a 2-day Workshop and Table-Top Exercise, involving 15 selected students of the Master’s Degree in Emergency Governance (UNIVR) on the topic of EU Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM).
In the framework of the RESIST project, the activity was undertaken in collaboration with the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG-ECHO), the National Department of Civil Protection, and the National Corp of Fire-fighters. Following a more theoretical session (Day 1) dedicated to outline the EUCPM framework as well as roles and responsibility of main actors involved in the management of an emergency at EU level, the second day tested participants’ expertise in managing a complex emergency through the implementation of a Table-Top Exercise replicating a real emergency occurred in the past. This exercise gave them the opportunity to put into practice what they had learned, as well as their personal and professional skills with the aim at identifying strengths and areas of improvement.

We are honoured to have hosted such a unique event at SAFE headquarters in Soave (Verona, Italy) and we sincerely thank all institutions, trainers, experts, and participants that made the training workshop possible.