The Armed Forces are not only an expression of a country’s ability to defend itself from external attacks. In many contexts, they represent a crucial partner to achieve increased stabilization of sensitive areas, to arrange joint civil-military interventions, and a driving force for high-level technological innovation.

However, this does not mean that through its projects SAFE promotes the development of armaments of any kind, which it does not. At SAFE, we consider the joint work with the Armed Forces of EU and non-EU countries crucial to:

Developing new Dual Technologies (for the safety of citizens)
Transferring skills and Know-How through the provision of specialized training in areas of fundamental importance, including the CBRNe sector, CIMIC activities in conflict or post-conflict contexts, or in respect of human rights within military contexts.

In the field of technological innovation, SAFE proposes itself as a partner for capacitive research and development projects financed by the European Union through programs such as PADR, EDIDP, and, since 2021, EDF.

Last but not least, collaboration with the Armed Forces can, in some jurisdictions, be essential for effective collaboration with “gendarmerie” police forces (for example, the Carabinieri in Italy). In this regard, SAFE was among the very first Italian actors to collaborate with the armed forces on European projects, particularly in the Middle East.

For more information on ongoing activities and collaboration opportunities, please contact

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