The final ceremony for the CBRN Basic Individual Training will be held this week in Lebanon. The ceremony will be the closing act of the joint training course, which started on 14 Jan 2019 and has been implemented over the last six weeks. This critical action for CBRN defence training in Lebanon has been coordinated by consortium partner Italian Defence General Staff. Providing solid expertise in CBRN early response to Lebanon Land Border Regiments (LAF) is indeed a key factor towards increasing regional stability. The opportunity was offered to the LAF at the Central Training Center, where military exercises are taking place. Up-to-date technologies and CBRN security means were also provided to the courses recipients.
This will be the first of six ad hoc CBRN training modules programmed for Lebanon’s troops within the scope of the project. Strengthening connections and know-how on this crucial matter is making one step towards enhanced security and stability of the country.