SAFE, as Leader of the consortium, has been awarded the project “TRANSnational TUNnel operational CBRN risk mitigation”, funded by the EU Commission in the scope of the Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP). The project starts officially on 1st October and will last for a total of 20 months, with a budget of approximately 1.1M€.
TRANSTUN project is a public-private initiative which addresses a concrete and specific CBRN risk related to European Critical Infrastructures – the risk of chemical events (natural or man-made) in cross-border tunnels – with the aim of contributing to improve the preparedness and fast joint response of operators, emergency responders, and Member States.
TRANSTUN Partnership includes several practitioners from Italy (including the University of Tor Vergata and the support of Italian Firefighters), Spain (Novadays, as well as several end-users in the area of CBRN) and France (Ouvry, Lyon Hospital, several first responders)
TRANSTUN will develop a network of EU tunnels operators, a standardised toolkit for Member States for reaction in case of chemical accident in a (trans-national) tunnel and will test trans-border coordination protocols to reduce response time and enhance the use of proper equipment, thus increasing the safety of operators/first respondents.
As final overarching activity, the concepts developed by TRANSTUN will be tested in a real-life exercise in 2021, taking place either in the Frejus of Mont Blanc tunnel, engaging all operators and first responders which participated to project activities.
On 14th and 15th October all project partners will meet in Lyon for the kick-off of activities. Additional news and action plans will be published thereafter.